Q: My religion wasn’t mentioned here, does that mean my food will always be fattening.
A: My apologies if I missed any belief systems. But, I still believe your food is calorie free.
A: My apologies if I missed any belief systems. But, I still believe your food is calorie free.
To those Mormons, Buddhists, Pagans, Pastafarians, followers of Joe Pesci, etc. repeat after me: “The Lord (Joseph Smith, Buddha, Goddesses, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Mr. Pesci) Hath Commanded”. You’re welcome.
Pros: Calories don’t discriminate. They are willing to hop on out of the way no matter what you believe in or worship.
Cons: If you’re an Atheist, you may not believe calories exist at all so this won’t help (or hinder) you.