Q: I like to snack while I shop. Should I just nibble on carrots?
A: Heavens no. As long as you don't pay for the unhealthy food, the calories won't "register".
We all know that you shouldn’t shop hungry. When we are hungry, blood sugar drops and our will power is hindered. We end up purchasing things that we wouldn’t if we were only thinking straight. Luckily, it is a proven fact that that box of cookies you are carrying around with you in the store and snacking on has no calories until you get to the register, that's why it's called a "register". The loose candy that you nab from the plastic display has no calories until you put it in a paper bag and weigh it at the register. If you don’t actually ring up the product and remove it from the store, it’s calorie free. Please be careful though. This may be calorie free, but it is illegal.
Pros: If you go to a large enough supermarket, there’s almost nothing you can’t find and consume before reaching the check out.
Cons: Security Cameras. There are all over the place and for whatever reason, management frowns on people eating and not paying for merchandise.